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产品类别: 冰糖系列
发布时间: 2016 - 09 - 28
This is a refined sugar from high grade white sugar with a pleasant taste. Advantage  This is a magical ingredient for fruit wine and hand-made ice drink. Combined with fruit taste or the other recipe, lump sugar will bring you to have special sweetie experience. Usage  Dissolve in liquid and get new taste. Net 500g
产品类别: 冰糖系列
发布时间: 2016 - 09 - 28
This is a natural crystallized cane sugar. Advantage Cook and chef love it for its marvelous function in preparing a soup for great dish. Net 454g
产品类别: 冰糖系列
发布时间: 2016 - 09 - 28
This is a refined sugar from high grade white sugar with a pleasant taste. Advantage  This is a magical ingredient for fruit wine and hand-made ice drink. Combined with fruit taste or the other recipe, lump sugar will bring you to have special sweetie experience. Usage  Dissolve in liquid and get new taste. Net 400g
产品类别: 冰糖系列
发布时间: 2016 - 09 - 28
This is a refined sugar from high grade white sugar with a pleasant taste. Advantage This is a magical ingredient for fruit wine and hand-made ice drink. Combined with fruit taste or the other recipe, lump sugar will bring you to have special sweetie experience. Usage Dissolve in liquid and get new taste. Net 40g
产品类别: 冰糖系列
发布时间: 2016 - 09 - 28
This is a refined sugar from high grade white sugar with a pleasant taste. Advantage This is a magical ingredient for fruit wine and hand-made ice drink. Combined with fruit taste or the other recipe, lump sugar will bring you to have special sweetie experience. Usage Dissolve in liquid and get new taste. Net  400g
产品类别: 冰片糖系列
发布时间: 2016 - 09 - 28
It is a typical sugar item well recognize in Canton Area for its sugar aroma. Advantage Besides being a sweetener, it is a special element in traditional Chinese Medicine Recipe. Usage Dissolve the Black sugar in pieces in Soup and make a fun dessert. Net  454g
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